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The ever-advancing technology has led to the introduction of automation and robotics, a
move that has resulted in changes in production. Machines and robots are replacing humans in
the job market. This has been a primary concern since the move significantly impacts wages and
employment. While introducing robotics has made manufacturing efficient, it has displaced
humans in several jobs. Therefore, automation and robots have a greater influence in several
industries, such as agriculture, healthcare, logistics and manufacturing (Galin et al., 2020).
Robotics increases productivity, ensures safer working environments, and creates new jobs.
Contrary to the belief that the introduction of robots could lead to the loss of human jobs, it is
more likely that the future will see people working alongside robots.
Robots can perform various tasks accurately and efficiently. This results in increased
productivity. According to Rayhan (2023), robots and automation can work continuously without
breaks. This reduces the need for humans to work for long hours—also, robots and automation
help by streamlining operations, thus reducing lead times. Industrial robots are powerful and
sophisticated. They are thus capable of operating faster. Their high operating speed implies that
more tasks can be done in less time. Robotics also improve worker’s safety conditions and health
and reduce the need for humans to perform repetitive tasks. When humans are freed to perform
such tasks, they can thus focus on other areas. This increases production.
Moreover, robots and automation ensure a safer working environment. For instance,
robots perform dangerous tasks which are sometimes repetitive and hazardous (Rayhan, 2023).
Humans may not be able to perform such tasks, and through their role, robots ensure continuous
operation and make the working environment safe. Galin et al. (2020) note that robots can work
in environments that are too toxic for humans. With this, they reduce the risks of injuries and

accidents. Adding to their flexibility, robots can lift heavy loads and toxic materials. Their ability
to work in any environment makes them desirable for production and manufacturing.
Robots and automation create new job opportunities. For instance, Javaid et al. (2021)
observes that integrating robots into manufacturing processes requires new skills. Also, skills are
needed to maintain the robots. Therefore, their use requires skilled workers. Through this, their
integration into manufacturing and production creates new jobs. Workers who work alongside
the robots are more productive. This then reduces the costs and prices of services and goods. Due
to this, the consumer spends more, resulting in new job opportunities. Robots can be used in
multiple areas to alleviate strenuous tasks and complete various dangerous missions for humans
(Rayhan, (2023). Recent advances in robotics and automation have revolutionized business and
personal lives by creating new job opportunities.

Since the benefits of robots and automation are sometimes disputed on the ground that
they may lead to the loss of jobs for humans, it is essential to note that implementing them in
production effectively does not lead to the replacement of jobs. They enhance and augment
humans to increase productivity. This supports the benefits of robots for job creation and new
positions. A key concern could be that the jobs performed in this case require new skills.
Besides, since these jobs require new skills, it could also be argued that the jobs performed by
humans alongside robots could produce higher wages. However, it is also important to note that
with the shift in the industry, the introduction of robots and automation could create a barrier for
workers who do not have the required skills. However, companies can take measures to
overcome this barrier by training the workers on how to work with robots and automation.


Galin, R., Meshcheryakov, R., Kamesheva, S., & Samoshina, A. (2020, May). Cobots and the
Benefits of their Implementation in Intelligent Manufacturing. In IOP conference series:
Materials science and engineering (Vol. 862, No. 3, p. 032075). IOP Publishing.
Javaid, M., Haleem, A., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021). Substantial Capabilities of Robotics in
Enhancing Industry 4.0 Implementation. Cognitive Robotics, 1, 58-75,
Rayhan, A. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Robotics: From Automation to Autonomous
Systems, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abu-Rayhan-