Steps for Choosing a Dissertation Topic
A dissertation is an academic paper that explores a specific topic or research question then, presents the findings based on a critical analysis. The aim of the paper is to test your ability to conduct independent research, analyse results and present a balanced discussion. Nonetheless, the rigorous task of dissertation writing begins with choosing a suitable research topic. The following guide offers useful pointers to help you in choosing a compelling dissertation topic.
Step 1: Check the course requirements
Every course and institution usually has unique requirements when it comes to writing academic papers. Thus, your first step should be to carefully read the course requirements to determine what is expected of you. The key elements that you should focus on when reading the instructions include;
- Orientation of the paper
- Word count
- Scope of research
- Deadline
Ask your supervisor for clarifications in case there is something that you do not understand in the instructions.
Step 2: Consider a Broad Area of research
A broad area of research allows you enough room to manoeuvre when selecting a dissertation topic. If the area of the study is broad, you can easily switch the approach in case your initial idea proves difficult. However, you should focus on an area that you are interested in or passionate about. Selecting an area of study or topic that interests you will ensure an easier time when doing the research, analysis and writing.
Step 3: Get Acquainted with the Field of Study
Writing a dissertation will no doubt require a lot of research. However, you should first do a quick overview of the chosen field of study. That will give you a rough idea of the past and current issues around that area of study. Books, articles, journals and academic databases such as Google Scholar can provide general insights into the field of study.
Step 4: Select a Specific Niche
The research that you have done in the above step should provide plenty of information to enable you to get started in choosing a topic. Narrow down the information so you have a few options to go on. While you can still choose a dissertation topic that has attracted many studies over the years, you need something unique and interesting. So, go for something that you can handle without a lot of problems.
It could be a past issue with significance in the present or even something new that most people are not yet aware of. However, you should consider a niche with accessible information. Make sure there is plenty of literature about the topic to provide a basis for your arguments.
Select about two or three topics just in case you decide to change the focus of the paper later. In a nutshell, you should have a few backup ideas up your sleeve.
Step 5: Draft a Research Proposal
Most lecturers will ask students to submit research proposals or prospectus before they can give you the green-light to write the dissertation. The proposal is a brief discussion of the dissertation, highlighting the chosen topic and the particular approach that you will pursue in writing the paper. The supervisor will go through the draft and, give feedback. Depending on how you frame the proposal, the supervisor may ask you to pursue a different approach or change parts of the dissertation to meet the course requirements. Sometimes, the supervisor may even ask you to rewrite the entire proposal. Nevertheless, your research proposal should capture the key ideas that you intend to explore in the dissertation.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Dissertation Topic

Writing a top notch dissertation takes a lot of skills and effort. However, knowing how to approach the task can make all the difference. Here are some pointers to help you to relieve the pressure of choosing a dissertation topic and writing the paper.
Pick a subject that will hold your interest
The chosen topic should be something that captures your attention. Besides, you should also go for a topic that you can handle without a lot of struggles. The ideal topic needs to revolve around something that you are passionate about. Your topic could also be about something from a past experience. The topic that you choose to work on should also be something that you can handle with the available resources.
Focus on something original
Your dissertation can look like a duplicate if you focus too much on subjects or topics that have been extensively explored by other students. On the other hand, you do not want to choose something new that finding the resources to support would be hectic. So, settle on a niche where you can make your mark.
Collect as much information as you can about the chosen niche
While you can still find resources from the things covered in class, you should dig deeper to gain more insights into the subject beforehand. Having all the necessary information can help you to determine the most suitable approach to take when writing the paper. Do some research to find a theoretical basis to support the argument that you intend to explore.
Conduct an extensive review of existing practices and any gaps to help with choosing a viable approach to the dissertation. If you are unable to find sufficient information about the chosen topic, it would be wise to consider a different approach.
Ask questions that you can answer
You do not want to come up with a vague research question that you won’t be able to answer effectively. In other words, formulate a research question that you can answer conclusively.
Look into the relevance of the topic
Although you should focus on an interesting topic that you are also passionate about, its relevance to your field of study is equally important. One of the tricks to choosing a relevant topic is going for something that is linked to current debates in academic circles. Remember you will need to clearly state the relevance of the topic when defining the research problem.
Get the Best Dissertation Writing Help
The process of writing a dissertation usually begins with choosing a topic. While the above guidelines can help you to choose a suitable dissertation topic, you need professional dissertation writing help to deliver a high quality paper. At academiascholars, we have the best writers to meet all your dissertation writing needs. Try us today for top notch dissertations and other academic papers.